Harriers of the Month and Chair’s Blog – January 2025

Snow and ice put paid to a few events this month, so it’s been a quiet one for HPH! Nevertheless, Harriers are hardy folk – read on for details!

Adam Lomas is our Harrier of the Month for January 2025 – he was our only nominee, but that doesn’t take anything away from him fully deserving the accolade! Adam broke his own club half marathon record, running 1:12:06 at Brass Monkey. We’re running out of superlatives for our very own “Lomas, High Velocity”…


A huge thank you to all our leaders this month – Adam L, Ben H, Clare E, Craig M, Curtis B, Daisy W, Dan D, Ed S, Grace R, Honor B, Jane P, Joe L, Jonathan S, Kevin L, Laura G, Lorraine B, Lucy R, Megan F, Mike G, Naomi A, Richard C, Richard G, Richard K, Will D and Xeni P (great to have you back Xeni!).

If you’d like to give leading a go, speak to any of our existing leaders or committee members and we’ll give you all the support and help you need.


  • Our first week of sessions for 2025 were cancelled due to ice, but it’s been great to see so many joining us throughout January, including lots of new faces. Shout-out to Naomi A for leading our current Couch to 5K programme – if you know someone who’d like to get into running, there’s still time to catch up!
  • The ice and cold was no match for some blistering speeds at the Brass Monkey Half Marathon – brilliant efforts and some amazing new PBs (including Abdu somehow taking two minutes off his already frightening previous best…)!
  • Dan S and Curtis B hosted a fantastic headtorch run around Roundhay Park – keep an eye out for February’s edition, which will be on Ilkley Moor.
  • The appropriately-named Winter Beast saw a squad of Harriers head to St Aidans Nature Reserve for 6.66 miles of trailly fun!
  • Alan and Helen represented for the red-and-white at the Melthan Tough 10K – well done both!
  • Rich C took part in the Quid Games at Broughton Hall – a hybrid event combining fell and trail running with orienteering that looked like great fun!

If you made it out running at all this month, massive kudos for the effort – it’s not been an ideal month for it (at least for fairweather runners like your humble chair…)! If I’ve missed any races or activities, I do apologise, and here’s to an action-packed February!