For a veteran record to count, the following criteria must be met:
The race was run by a first or second claim member of Hyde Park Harriers
The race was run on a course certified by UKA (i.e. it shows on Power of Ten) on or after 01 January 2025
The athlete must have run as a representative of Hyde Park Harriers (i.e. wearing club kit and appearing in the official results as a Hyde Park Harrier)
The athlete must have been the age relevant to the relevant category at the time of the race (e.g. at least 40 to set a veteran record in the 40+ category) – please note that records will apply to all categories which the athlete belongs to (e.g. if a 47 year old athlete runs a 5K time which is quicker than both the existing 45+ and 40+ category records, the new 5K record will apply to both of those categories)
The athlete must notify the club committee and provide evidence if they believe they have set or broken a veteran record
All records set out below have been evidenced as per the above since records began on 01 January 2025. Please refer to the blog post here for further details.