HPH Marathon & Ultra Club Competition Update – Phil H

This year, as you might already know HPH have included a new competition for you. So far we have had a good turnout at these events, just enter either ultra or marathon in the search box of the calendar page; https://www.hydeparkharriers.co.uk/calendar/ for the next event.

But as my old school report often said; “could do better!”

This is where you come in. OK so you’ve run a few 10ks then stepped up to half marathons, so what’s stopping you from the full marathon?

“It’s too far!” I can’t get the training in” Won’t it hurt more?” Yes it is, Yes you can and not necessarily! Obviously it’s twice as far but if you’ve done the training it can be twice as rewarding, remember endorphins are the runner’s friend and you don’t have to train for a marathon on your own. In the past we have had some great social runs eg; “last run to Addingham” whilst training for the Yorkshire Marathon.

My advice as one of the many marathoners in our wonderful club, to anyone wanting to step up to a full marathon would be to follow a set training program, mine was a 16 week beginners one, for eg.

From there of course the next step is your first Ultra. This also applies to our huge pool of marathoners. I have included (with Ryk’s permission) his own Ultra training guide;

‘Training For an Ultra’ (By Ryk Downes. Race Organiser “Punk Panther Ultra Series)

Here are a few thoughts on how I became an Ultra runner. To train for an ultra the most important thing to fix IMHO is head, nutrition, fitness – In that order. Part of the head is forcing yourself to train even when you don’t want to. Unless you have a physical injury or chest infection aim for three/four days on and two days off, if you can fit in a long run on the evening of the third day and follow it up with a long run on the morning of the fourth. Or try for two runs in a day morning and evening. Try and get as much time on your feet, long walks are better than short runs. But you should try to speed walk – at least 4mph if you can. When running don’t try to run the hills unless they are very gentle, only the top Ultra runners do. I can walk faster uphill than I can run, it uses different muscles and gives your running muscles a rest. Nutrition you need to keep hydrated and try to listen to what your body wants. It becomes harder to refuel the longer you go. So try to stock up early without overdoing it. Electrolytes, Potassium and Sodium are all critical and you need to find out what works for you sugar and caffeine can also play a very important role. A running partner can often help with encouragement and to take your mind away from negative thoughts. – Just a few musings from how I managed to get started.

So there you have it, that’s how easy it is to become a marathon or ultra marathon runner.

Phil Hammond.

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