PECO Round 1 Temple Newsam.

Its that time of year, mud glorious mud oh and throw in some hills and running for your club.  Yep the PECO cross country season has started with round one being at Temple Newsam.

It was a record turnout of 456 men and 341 ladies.  The Hyde Park Harriers had a decent turnout of 50 runners (31 men and 19 ladies).  We have 95 registered for numbers going into the first round and another 5 or 6 to add on going forward.  For a club of less than 200 to have over 100 members registering there interest in this championship is a great showing.  We knew there was a few missing from round 1 but still we put up a great effort.


It was a one lap course and had a nice mix of up and down and a good amount of mud thrown in.  A lot of people found the last hill hard going and the final stretch into the finish was hard going in the soft ground.

Liam O’Brien made a storming start but stich was to slow him down, leaving Stan Karanasios to lead the HPH men home in 36th place.  Liam came next with Scott Watson a few seconds behind.

Peco1a   Peco1b

In the ladies Rebecca Rogers was first HPH hone in 32nd with Caroline Young 2nd and Lucy Rider 3rd.

Peco1h  Peco1c

The results are below, the top 8 men score points for the championship and the top 5 ladies.  We also have 2nd teams scoring which is the next 8 and 5.

So after round 1 the men are 5th out of 7 in the Premier division with Valley Striders leading the way.  In the ladies 1st division St Theresa’s AC took top scores with the HPH ladies coming 5th out of 7.

In the 2nd teams, the mens were 3rd and the ladies 11th.

A great effort all round and as always great to see so many stopping to cheer the whole team home.

Peco1k  Peco1L  Peco1m

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Peco1d  Peco1f

Round 2 is at West Park on the 13th December, hopefully we can get even more of you wonderful Hyde Park Harriers out.

Many thanks to Philip Bland for the action shots.

Peco 1 Men Pos  Time Peco 1 Ladies Pos  Time
Stan Karanasios 36th 29.06 A Rebecca Rogers 32nd 35.30 A
Liam O’Brien 53rd 29.40 A Caroline Young 62nd 37.28 A
Scott Watson 55th 29.44 A Lucy Rider 72nd 38.04 A
Mike Gallagher 68th 30.18 A Nicola Shenton 93rd 39.20 A
Tom Eales 79th 30.40 A Kasia Mika 123rd 40.48 A
Colin Tranter 84th 30.46 A Clare Evans 124th 40.50
Philip Goose 90th 30.55 A Lois Gardner 134th 41.31
Tom Pollard 103rd 31.14 A Vicky Houghton 190th 44.16
Anthony Aimon 121st 31.34 Joanne Kavanagh 200th 44.51
Matt Jackson 127th 31.46 Sarah Farnell 219th 45.42
Paul Sawyer 158th 33.00 Claire Hougham 270th 49.35
Owen Hilton 166th 33.10 Sara Scholes 298th 52.51
Charlie Jackett 170th 33.18 Sarah Baker 299th 52.56
Chris Taylor 212th 34.23 Louise Hawksworth 310th 54.19
Daniel Waas 215th 34.26 Kay Jefferies 318th 55.52
Tom Mason 235th 35.01 TeeJay Jones 321st 56.44
Scott Henderson 242nd 35.15 Jasbir Bangerh 326th 1.00.05
Ken Fox 247th 35.22 Clare Mason 327th 1.00.06
David Womersley 251st 35.34 Lucy Killick 328th 1.01.08
Graeme Miles 267th 36.16
Jonathon Mason 325th 38.16
Rick Pullan 371st 40.20
Jason Newell 377th 40.55
Rodrigo Piers Dos Santos 393rd 41.54
Bartosz Lewandowski 409th 42.34
Andrew Maddock 412th 42.58
Richard Edwards 416th 43.14
Stuart Smith 427th 45.00
Michael Mason 445th 47.36
Matthew Gray 446th 48.10
Paul Jones 456th 1.04.44


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