London Marathon Club Ballot Rules

To qualify to enter the club ballot, you must:

  1. Have been a paid up first claim member of Hyde Park Harriers from the April of the year the club ballot draw is made. Exceptions may be made for members who have joined more recently than that date at the discretion of the committee.
  2. Be a fully paid up first claim member of Hyde Park Harriers on the day of the London Marathon for which they are successful in the club ballot. 
  3. Have first applied via the London Marathon general ballot and received a rejection notification. 
  4. Provide a rejection slip/letter/email in your own name. These must be given/emailed to by the deadline stated in all communications.

Please note the following:

  • Rejection slips/letters/emails are NOT transferable to other club members. 
  • Any club member who has received a club ballot place will not be eligible to enter the club ballot again (see list below for previous runners).
  • Club members are not allowed to enter the ballot if they are planning to defer the place. If this is proved the allocated place will be withdrawn and the club member will not be able to enter the club ballot again for three years. 
  • The order in which the places are drawn will be recorded. If the club does not receive the anticipated number of club places from London Marathon, the places will be allocated in the order they are drawn. 
  • Club members are not able to transfer or nominate another member to take their place should they be drawn out of the ballot.
  • In recognition of their contributions to the club, any club member (i) who has led at least five official club sessions since the previous year’s ballot (as determined by the club’s committee) or (ii) who is serving on the committee at the time of the ballot shall have their name entered into the ballot twice. For the avoidance of doubt, no club member shall have their name entered into the ballot more than twice.

If successful in the ballot, the club and yourself will undertake the following:

  1. Once the Club ballot system is made live by London Marathon the Club Membership Secretary will upload the details of the club members drawn out of the ballot. Club members are not able to transfer or nominate another member to take their place. 
  2. London Marathon will email club members details of how to register. It is then the club member’s responsibility to ensure this is completed correctly and pay the entry fee. All costs of transport and accommodation is the responsibility of the individual. 
  3. London Marathon will provide a transfer deadline. If you know before this date that you will no longer be able to take part (for a reason other than injury or illness) you must inform the committee asap who will draw another name out of the ballot. 
  4. If you find out you are unable to run due to injury or illness after this date it is your responsibility to apply to London Marathon to defer your place. Under no circumstances should your number be given to someone else. 
  5. Those members receiving a club place must run in a club vest/top. 
  6. Those members receiving a club place are encouraged to share their marathon journey with other club members via social media. 

    Previous Ballot Winners

    • 2025: Sam Hadfield and Paul Farmery
    • 2024: Michelle Dickson and Vicky Houghton
    • 2023: Paul Ramsden, Jonathan Pryor and Frazer Carr
    • 2022: Ralph Kidner
    • 2021: No places
    • 2020: Bart Lewandowski and Lizzie Coombes
    • 2019: Heather Fulton and Farhad Hamad
    • 2018: Lorraine Beavis and Rick Pullan
    • 2017: John Hayes