Category Club Updates

Upcoming HPH Events – October 2024

Full details of the following events can be found on the specific event pages in our members & friends Facebook group (which we use for privacy, to assess numbers of attendees and to enable discussion between organisers and members). However,…

HPH Awards Evening 2023/24

Congratulations to all our winners and runners-up! 2023/24 / Chair’s Award Vicky Houghton 2023/24 / President’s Award Amy Ramsden-Young 2023/24 / ‘Ain’t No Barriers’ Award Honor Baldry 2023/24 / The Rolf Neugebauer Photography Award Dan Donnelly 2023/24 / Club Competitor…

Return to The Edge!

screenshot of our run meeting point at the steps near the edge gym

We are delighted to finally bring you the great news that, after 18 months, we’re now able to return to our old home and meeting place! From Tuesday 7th September, all of our runs will start and finish at The…